Who are we
Megaden Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of flat cutting die boards for the packaging industry. We are a compact team of professionals with unconventional approach and way of thinking, ready to offer innovative and effective technological solutions to everyone. We elevate the perfectionism to every detail to a whole new level. Expertise and inspiration, combined with long term experience, is the right decision to your ideas and projects, beyond the limits. We offer personal solutions for your production and we provide competitive advantage to all of your products. It is quite enough to find reliable and trusted partner into the modern and full of challenges world, for whom you can be sure that things just work. That is our job and that is exactly what we give you - efficiency there, where others usually fail ... on the edge of the impossible.
Megaden Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of flat cutting die boards for the packaging industry. We are a compact team of professionals with unconventional approach and way of thinking, ready to offer innovative and effective technological solutions to everyone. We elevate the perfectionism to every detail to a whole new level. Expertise and inspiration, combined with long term experience, is the right decision to your ideas and projects, beyond the limits. We offer personal solutions for your production and we provide competitive advantage to all of your products. It is quite enough to find reliable and trusted partner into the modern and full of challenges world, for whom you can be sure that things just work. That is our job and that is exactly what we give you - efficiency there, where others usually fail ... on the edge of the impossible.

What we do
We offer solutions to the everyday challenges since we know them pretty well. We produce cutting dies, counter plates (pertinax), engraved steel counter plates, male and female stripping tools, lower pin units, engraved cliches for embossing/debossing and Braille embossing, Accubraille strips, cutting dies for labels. In addition, we can assist on sheet nesting and optimization and maintenance of all our produced dies. Our mission is to provide our clients with a personal package of services for maximum optimization of the process. Even more, the idea is not only to get what you ask of us, but to develop accurate guidance on how to integrate our products in your production according to your technology features. And the best thing is that everything is managed by only one partner … just name what you need. As simple as that!

How we do it
Our high quality equipment, techniques and perfect organization make possible the quick decisions to turn into lightning reactions. Our company has approved itself through the years to be a reliable and trustworthy partner as we are constantly implementing new technologies. The history of successful growth is due to a responsible, forward-looking business policy. One of our principles will continue to be “thinking of tomorrow today”. Our products and services must always measure up to the standards: the best possible quality and effective support. We grow as you grow – we can meet this promise every step of the way. Your time is a valuable thing and we appreciate it therefore in order to cooperate adequately, we are trying to understand even better your problems, needs and demands. We strive to offer nothing but the best and supply products and services that create genuine added value for your benefit. We owe our success to a customer oriented strategy: we work with close collaboration, in a deep understanding of the day-to-day challenges confronting the industry. Rather than being content with short-lived success, we aim for a long-term partnership.

We produce cutting dies for paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, self-adhesive sheets, label dies for all kinds and models cutting machines that use flat dies.
Technology of production
Innovative technology, an absolute alternative of lasers. A pointed sharpened tool is used to cut two ply wood board in order to produce durable and precise die form. The Y-shaped channels are holding the rules in both upper and lower zones of the board with a total range of 6 mm, unlike laser systems in which the range is only 1 mm. High quality calibrated tools are being used to easily eliminate the problems with width of the channels and falling elements off the board during runs. All rules used in our production are delivered from respected European suppliers. We can assist on sheet nesting and optimization and make-ready sheets. Thanks to the innovative technology and the use of highly effective and precise CNC cutting machines, we have the opportunity to effectively repeat your projects. more..
Have you ever had creasing next to cutting, perforating rules or near embossing? Have you been concerned about how you are going to proceed with such order? You have had to split the run for proper results? Probably yes. So we don't need to explain to you that it not necessary. For your convenience, steel counter plates give you advantage when the limits of other methods are reached. It means they have high reliability, absolutely no deformation, higher speed of the machine, incredible accuracy – an accessible and incomparable luxury. Don't be surprised – your competitors have realized it a long time ago! more..
You need to shorten your cutting dies make-ready time? Why not consider the use of counter plates? Perfectly cut, shaped and easy to use.
This product suggests significant advantages compared to the traditional ways of creasing. Simplicity and accuracy – the adjustment is very easy as every unit has position pins on the board. Instead of cutting creasing channels manually for every piece of creasing rule it is only one counter plate per element that does the job.
Using counter plates makes no quality compromises and it is really a cheap alternative in order to save time. Your customers will appreciate it when they see the difference. Let us supply you with counter plates with your next order. more..
This is the section of the equipment that addresses wastage issues. It ejects messy scrap, the waste that is collected while the cutting blades rise and fall to create their cutouts. According to your file we manufacture your cutting die with the corresponding waste separators and nicks. The benefits of stripping dies are unquestionable – the full capacity of the machine is used and all manual job is eliminated. more..
At first developed for pharmaceutical packaging, today the use of Braille embossing is reaching new customers for labels and packages for food industry. The blocks are produced from durable material for frequent use. All embossers (matrix and patrix) are ECMA standard compatible. We can also assist for custom-made products. With embedded blocks in the die board you can cut, crease and emboss at the same time with absolutely no difference whether you are using standard crease channels, counter plates or steel counter plates. In order to have even better results the beds are cut in the board as the upper ply of the wood and the upper half of the blocks are made narrow to be used as stoppers. The whole element is movable so you can adjust the pressure. The females can be engraved with maximum number of symbols according to the size of the box and if the text changes, you change only the males. more..
The blocks are produced from durable material for frequent use. Engraved in 2/5D and 3D with flawless vision, clearly defined forms and minimum limitation. With embedded blocks in the die board you can cut, crease and emboss at the same time with absolutely no difference whether you are using standard crease channels, counter plates or steel counter plates. The grinded nests on the board guarantee smooth surface to all positions. This method of removing part of the material keeps the board whole and perfectly straight. The engraved, embedded embossers are a practical choice for personalization without limitation of forms and figurations. more..

Проектирането на опаковки не винаги е лесна задача. Стартирането на всеки нов проект е истинско предизвикателство за всички участници в процеса. Важно е да имате предварително изяснена цялостна концепция на продукта като краен резултат и това да бъде внимателно описано и предадено. Дизайнът трябва да е съобразен с доста фактори като функционалност на опаковката, начин на сглобяване, технологични допуски, разположение на единичните бройки в листа, more..

4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1 Prohlada Street
Business hours:
Monday to Friday
from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tel. +359 (0) 32 332 015